Bethel Socks: new knitting pattern for warm feet this winter

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I just love the Vermont Sock Yarn from Wing & A Prayer Farm, so when Tammy let me design another pattern for socks I jumped in with both feet (literally and figuratively).

The Bethel Socks are based on my popular hat and mitts pattern, and the cushy texture makes a great sock as well. Find out just what makes this yarn so durable and how we tested it in the video above.

You can get the Bethel Sock pattern now on our website or on Ravelry.

Bethel socks modeled on feet. The nubbly texture is set off beautifully on yellow yarn.Grab a skein of Vermont Sock Yarn at Tammy’s Etsy shop, or if you’re headed to the New York Sheep & Wool Festival you can pick some up there.

Published by Sarah Scully

Sarah is a librarian as well as an avid knitter and occasional knitwear designer. She also enjoys cooking, gardening, hiking, reading, painting, and writing with fountain pens.