Craft Beer Tourism in Brattleboro, Vermont

This entry and video are the start of a new series where we explore Vermont through the breweries that are members of the Vermont Brewers Association. We plan to visit as many of the breweries as possible and sample the beers — and whenever possible the food — while also exploring the surrounding towns and

Dye Wool with Mullein a Herbaceous Biennial

As soon as we started to build our pasture for the sheep, I encountered something that looked like Lamb’s Ear, but wasn’t. We didn’t know what it was at first, but noticed the sheep didn’t like to eat it, so we set about trying to eradicate it from our fields before it could take over

Dye with Goldenrod for Vivid Yellow

Goldenrod is a fantastic source of saturated, yellow dye, and one of the plants that I recommend starting with if you are new to natural dyeing. Step 1: Prepare the yarn. Mordant the wool with alum. I use a 10% by weight-of-goods proportion of alum to wool. Botanical Colors has a great tutorial on mordanting